My Story
I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, Counselor, Conscious Coach, and Intuitive Healer

My inner work journey began when I was in a major state of scarcity and lack. I thought I knew who I was, but that person always felt like she wasn’t enough. It took me a while to figure out that at the root of it all, was a lack of worthiness. I was confident in ways, and thought I was happy, but once I took a deeper look, I realized I had a lot of work to do if I wanted to pull myself out of living in self-doubt to take control of the life I wanted to create.
I realized that the only way to get out of my head was to go within myself, into the core of who I was. This was when I first began with my journey. So, I worked. I delved into my spirituality, started connecting with like-minded people, read, researched, experienced, and grew.
My initial focus was to improve my own life and to share some of what I've learned with my inner circle. But then, I heard a message that I needed to hear: “If you have the ability to help others, you have the obligation to tell them.” So, here I am sharing what I know and what I continue to learn with you.
Once I learned all of the strategies and skills that worked for me, and once I learned about approaches that worked for others, and once I finally, finally healed myself, I decided that this information is too valuable not to share. I now combine my personal experience with my professional counseling background, Reiki healing ability, and various healing modalities to help my clients create balance, peace, fulfillment, joy, abundance, and empowerment to continue their growth, begin to thrive, and create the lives they want to live.
I would be honored to join you in your journey to help you heal, restore your energy, and align with your highest self.